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Last name: Passa
First Name: Chiara
Affiliation: Artist
Address: Rome, Italy

Submission Details:
VR web-based artwork

I re-designed TIME BOMB THE LOVE as a VR revival of the hypnotic animation I created in 1998: “Time Bomb the Love”. The original animation (sneak peek on my You Tube) is a digital manipulation of rockets to the rhythm of techno music. Frame by frame, the missiles turn into synthetic architectures she named “compressions-containers”. Through Vertical-horizontal movements, rockets disappear in straight lines and points,reappearing under the guise of defused bombs because transformed into architectures. "Time Bomb the Love" or better: it is time for love to explode! In the VR artwork I made there are five compressed architectures in which you are welcome to enter by immersing yourself into five 360° abstract animations. 

Link to artwork
Link to the video sneak peek:


Short Biography

        Chiara Passa, visual artist (b. Rome 30/04/1973) working in media art since 1997. I graduated (M.F.A.) from the Fine Arts Academy of Rome, Master in audio-visual media from the Faculty of Modern Literature. My artistic research analyses differences in virtual spaces through a variety of techniques, technologies, and devices - often using virtual reality and augmented reality technologies as artistic media to explore architecture as an interface. I use VR and AR to comprise their intrinsic language and so on for shaking-up and challenging the static notion of architecture, by exploring the liminal duality between tangible and virtual place, achieving in art a strange oscillation between spaces. Yet, I work with animations, net-artworks, interactive and site-specific video-installations, and AR / VR video-sculptures, sometimes made of Carrara marble, ceramic, fresco technique, plexiglass, or 3D printing parts. Moreover, I use VR medium to create site-specific video installations using a wide range of google cardboards. Typically, the 3D viewers are installed all over the real space, designing geometric shapes in liminal areas where onlookers can peek/peep thru 3D viewers over the wall, and so immerse themselves into a re-constructed/resized VR space made of wired geometric angles and futuristic views, sometimes semi-open or semi-closed at 180°, 220° or 360°, so highlighting the paradox of the modern space-time condition, which nowadays is even more diluted in between physical and liquid space.
        My work has been internationally exhibited from festivals, conferences, and institutions, including: «Still Life» Solo show at Zabludowicz Collection London (2021); «MADATAC XI» Bienal Virtual de Arte de los Nuevos Medios Digitales, Madrid (2020); «Object Oriented Space». Solo show at Museum MLAC Rome (2019); «Virtual Natives – Sculpture», Roehrs & Boetsch gallery, Zurich (2019); «Oslo Night show», HEK Museum Basel (2018); «InSonic» immersive art show, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Museum, Karlsrhue (2017); «From live architecture: Dimensioning», solo show at Furtherfield gallery, London (2016); «Off Biennale Cairo» (2015-2016); «ISEA Disruption», Conference and exhibition at Vancouver Art Gallery. (2015); «Morphos», Vortex Dome - immersion media, Los Angeles (2014); Media Art Histories IV - RENEW conference, Riga. (2013). FILE | Electronic Language International Festival, São Paulo. (2011); Electrofringe - festival of new media art, Newcastle, Australia. (2008); BizArtCenter, Shangai (2005); MACRO – Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Roma (2004), 11° Biennale of young artists of Europe and the Mediterranean countries: «Cosmos - a sea of art», Athens. (2003); 48a Biennale di Venezia (with Oreste group), Venezia (1999) e Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia (1999).

Selected shows: 

Full CV statement

Web designer: Jingying (Crystal) Zhen

All materials are subject to ©Copyright and are rightfully owned by their creators

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